Stories written by Chelsey Dumond, AFSP Senior Manager, Public Policy Events and Projects

Advocating for Change: AFSP’s 2021 State Capitol Day Events
At this year’s virtual State Capitol Day events, volunteer Field Advocates learned about important AFSP Public Policy Priorities and heard from their local chapter board members and public officials about the importance of advocacy and how they can make a difference in the legislative process.

Advocating for Smart Suicide Prevention Policies: A Look Ahead at 2021
As the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention’s work continues to grow, so do our Public Policy Priorities as we work (with the help of our volunteer Field Advocates) to pass important legislation that will help save lives.

Advocating for Suicide Prevention at AFSP’s Annual Advocacy Forum
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we were unable to hold the Advocacy Forum in Washington, D.C. this year. In lieu of being able hold the event in-person, on June 22 volunteer Field Advocates, members of Congress, and AFSP staff from across the country gathered together virtually for the 2020 Advocacy Forum.

Advocacy Forum Recap 2018
Suicide is the tenth leading cause of death in the United States. On June 10-13, more than 225 volunteer advocates traveled from all 50 states to the nation’s capital to urge lawmakers to change this statistic.