Stories written by Christine Yu Moutier, M.D., AFSP Chief Medical Officer

How to Lose (On Death and Dying)
In the new book The Invisible Ache: Black Men Identifying Their Pain and Reclaiming Their Power by Courtney B. Vance and Dr. Robin L. Smith, famed actor Courtney B. Vance shares his heartfelt, personal journey in the wake of his father’s death by suicide.

A Simple, Yet Powerful Solution to the Mental Health Crisis: Peer Support
We are two psychiatrists working in the national mental health advocacy arena, representing hundreds of thousands of families as well as clinical and scientific advances, and we believe peer support, a non-clinical solution can help alievate strain from our nation's underfunded mental health system.

Creating a Safety Net to Prevent Youth Suicide
Suicide and suicidal behavior – among young adults, teens, and in recent years, younger children – are a major public health crisis. During the past two years, concerns about the impact of the pandemic on youth mental health have added to pre-pandemic levels of concern.

A Look Ahead to the Coming Year: An Interview with the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention’s Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Christine Yu Moutier
The American Foundation for Suicide Prevention’s Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Christine Yu Moutier, answers pressing questions about the intersection of the current state of pandemic and suicide prevention.

Bringing Suicide Prevention to Clinical Practice
It became apparent to me, as I adapted my new knowledge of suicide prevention to my experience in healthcare, that there were procedures and best practices that could be implemented within healthcare systems to reduce suffering and the rate of suicide, which is currently the tenth leading cause of death in the U.S.

Why I Fight: Preventing Physician Suicide, and the Dr. Lorna Breen Health Care Provider Protection Act
We must prioritize the mental health of our frontline medical professionals who are caring for some of our most vulnerable patients, and encourage help-seeking behaviors for mental health concerns and substance use disorders by reducing stigma, increasing resources, and having open conversations about mental health.

A Message from AFSP’s Chief Medical Officer
While factors associated with COVID-19 create risk, it is imperative to remember that suicide is preventable. It is more important than ever that people take protective, proactive measures to safeguard their mental health and that of others.

Un mensaje de la directora médica de la AFSP
Si bien los factores asociados a la COVID-19 crean riesgos, es imperativo recordar que el suicidio es prevenible. Ahora más que nunca, es importante que las personas tomen medidas protectoras y proactivas para salvaguardar su salud mental y la de los demás.

COVID-19: We Must Care for Older Adults’ Mental Health
The stress of COVID-19, the uncertainty it creates, and the potential for older adults to be more susceptible to the virus, can exacerbate any underlying risk for depression or anxiety.

COVID-19: Debemos cuidar la salud mental de los adultos mayores
El estrés de la COVID-19, la incertidumbre que genera y la posibilidad de que los adultos mayores sean más propensos al virus exacerban cualquier riesgo latente de depresión o ansiedad.

Bringing the Topic of Mental Health and Suicide Prevention to the South by Southwest Festival
The future holds incredible promise for creating this safety net through the collaboration that’s already beginning to occur.

What We Mean When We Say #StopSuicide
By working together, gaining increased understanding, and encouraging the widespread application of proven strategies, we can save lives.

Debunking the Myth of Violence and Mental Illness
The recent tragic event in Parkland, Florida has opened up important conversations about violence in our nation.