Information for Firearms Ranges, Retailers, and Instructors
By recognizing the unique needs of firearm ranges, retailers, instructors, and other firearm industry sectors, AFSP is helping to connect firearms owners with life-saving information about suicide prevention and secure firearm storage.
Partnering with Industry to Reach Firearms Owners
It’s crucial that firearms owners are aware of safe storage practices and other elements of suicide prevention.
To help make suicide prevention education a basic component of firearms ownership, we’ve partnered with the National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF), the trade association for America's firearms industry, to help distribute materials to its national network of retailers and ranges. View the brochure.
By joining forces with NSSF, we are able to reach both firearms owners and sellers to inform and educate them about specific actions they can take to prevent suicide. Together, we are taking an unprecedented, large-scale step to reduce suicide by firearm and save as many lives as possible. By partnering with NSSF and remaining steadfast in our commitment to reach firearms owners with suicide prevention education, we have the potential to save thousands of lives.
Practical Action Items for Retailers, Ranges, and Instructors
Firearms retailers and ranges have an important role to play in preventing suicide. Here are some ways they can help:
- Provide Suicide Prevention Information: There are a wide range of FREE materials that can be distributed via countertop display, placed in firearms boxes with new sales, as window clings in range alleys, or other methods. The brochure that we created with NSSF is available for free, so connect with your local chapter or the NSSF to request copies.
- Internal and External Training: We know that staff in firearms environments complete rigorous training to ensure that compliance and safety standards are met –– but providing additional, brief training on suicide prevention is worth considering. If there is space for the public to attend a training session, AFSP’s Talk Saves Lives is a free program that can be completed in under an hour and would be suitable for both staff and the public.
- Firearms Instructors: If you are a firearms instructor, consider exploring the Suicide Prevention Toolkit for Firearms Instructors and incorporating the slides into firearms courses
- Locking Devices: Most firearms sold in the U.S are accompanied by a locking device like a cable or trigger lock. At the point of sale or during range orientation, staff can take a moment to demonstrate proper use of the locking device to ensure the individual knows how to use locking devices. Additionally, staff can encourage purchasers to buy additional locking devices that may be more secure than what comes with the firearm. In addition, shooting ranges can consider providing free locks to members and guests for at-home use.
- Deny the Sale or Rental: Most people who are interested in purchasing or renting a firearm will not do so with the intent to take their life. However, staff should be aware of the warning signs of suicide and, if the person indicates they might be thinking of suicide, should deny the sale or rental
If a Suicide Happens
While it is rare, suicides do take place onsite at firearms retail establishments and shooting ranges. Knowing how to respond in the event of a suicide is key, so make sure to download the After a Suicide: A Guide for Firearms Retailers and Range Owners. Take the time now to identify the contacts outlined in the guide so that in the event of a suicide, you will be prepared to respond in the safest way possible.
Firearms and Suicide Prevention Brochure

Focus on Firearms

I want to understand more about firearms and suicide
Firearms are involved in over 50% of all suicides in the U.S., and AFSP is leading the effort to educate firearm owners to prevent this leading cause of death. Suicide also accounts for most firearm deaths in the U.S.

Protecting yourself and others
Firearm owners and people that live in households with firearms must take action to protect against suicide.

I want to understand AFSP's stance on firearm policies
AFSP supports legislation to expand research and public education on suicide and firearms; voluntary removal and safe storage initiatives; lethal means counseling; and the use of Extreme Risk Protection Orders (ERPOs) when necessary.