Stories about Advocacy Forum

Advocating for 988 at AFSP’s 15th Annual Advocacy Forum
From Sunday June 9th to Wednesday June 12th, AFSP hosted its 15th Annual Advocacy Forum! Together, nearly 250 AFSP Volunteer Advocates celebrated “15 years of Advocating for Suicide Prevention” and participated in educational sessions on legislation to improve mental health and save lives.

American Foundation for Suicide Prevention Celebrates 15 Years of Advocacy, Calls on Congress to Strengthen 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline
Volunteer Advocates from across the country will meet with over 250 Congressional Offices in Washington, D.C. at AFSP’s Advocacy Forum

Advocating for Hope: Supporting Suicide Prevention on Capitol Hill at the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention’s Annual Advocacy Forum
Each June, Volunteer Advocates from AFSP chapters all over the country travel to D.C. to meet with our members of Congress and encourage their support for impactful policies related to suicide prevention and mental health. This year will be the 15th year AFSP is hosting this important event.

Training to Become a Volunteer Advocate for Suicide Prevention Felt Like a Gift
In January of 2016, I lost my 18-year-old nephew to suicide. The loss was devastating. Being an AFSP Volunteer Advocate has helped me process my own personal experiences, and be braver in standing up for my own needs, those of my family, our community, and all humans. We’re all in this together.

American Foundation for Suicide Prevention National Advocacy Forum Unites Advocates to Save Lives through Policy Change
The 14th Annual Advocacy Forum will take place in Washington, DC from June 25 to the 28. Over 200 Volunteer Advocates from across the country will encourage legislators to prioritize suicide prevention and mental health policies that can save lives.

The Overnight! The Lifesavers Gala! The Advocacy Forum! Plan your calendar for 2023!
Save the date for these upcoming AFSP events.

Advocating for Veteran Suicide Prevention in Central Texas
As an Army veteran, knowing that AFSP supports legislation that makes suicide prevention a priority for Veterans, Service Members, and their families is very important to me.

American Foundation for Suicide Prevention National Advocacy Forum Brings Together Suicide Prevention Advocates from Across the Country
Policy priorities include the implementation of 988 and the crisis response system, and emergency department suicide prevention and screenings

Free Live National Advocacy Forum for Suicide Prevention Advocates Offered on June 7
The American Foundation for Suicide Prevention, is hosting a virtual National Advocacy Forum which brings together AFSP volunteer Field Advocates from across the country to learn about legislation that can save lives. The live event will be held on June 7 and is free and open to the public and media.

Advocating for Suicide Prevention at AFSP’s Annual Advocacy Forum
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we were unable to hold the Advocacy Forum in Washington, D.C. this year. In lieu of being able hold the event in-person, on June 22 volunteer Field Advocates, members of Congress, and AFSP staff from across the country gathered together virtually for the 2020 Advocacy Forum.

Bringing Prevention to the Church
This piece originally appeared as a Volunteer Spotlight Story in AFSP’s 2018 Annual Report.

Advocating for Suicide Prevention in 2019
With the passionate, active Field Advocates that we have, we know we will make positive change across the country.

From Mother to Daughter
“AFSP has brought meaning to such a tremendous loss. It has allowed me the opportunity to raise awareness and support a community in need.”

Fighting for Suicide Prevention Research on Capitol Hill
AFSP’s Volunteer Field Advocates met with all 100 Senate offices and over 375 House offices, and advocated for increased research funding.

Advocacy Forum Recap 2018
Suicide is the tenth leading cause of death in the United States. On June 10-13, more than 225 volunteer advocates traveled from all 50 states to the nation’s capital to urge lawmakers to change this statistic.

Local Leaders Awarded Prestigious Sandy Martin Grassroots Awards for Their Work in Making Mental Health a Priority
Honorees: Susan Marine, Colorado; Dr. Hollis Hackman, Wyoming; Mary and Vic Ojakian, California.

AFSP Honors Three Champions with State Awards for Making Mental Health a Priority
These honorees were recognized for their leadership in making suicide prevention and mental health the legislative priority it should be.

Two National Organizations Honor Five Members of Congress for Making Mental Health a Priority
Honorees: Rep. Napolitano (D-CA-32), Rep. Beyer (D-VA-08), Rep. DeGette (D-CO-01), Sen. Hatch (R-UT), Rep. Chris Stewart (R-UT-02).

Carrying Gifts of Hope: Packing My Bag for the AFSP Advocacy Forum
I have hope that when we are in Washington sharing stories of need, of sorrow, and of lives that have been saved, our voices will be heard and remembered by those in Congress.

Mr. Wean Goes to Washington
When I found out I would be traveling from my quaint, tiny little hamlet (New York City) to attend AFSP’s annual Advocacy Forum in Washington, D.C., I didn’t know what to expect.