Stories about Blueprint for Youth Suicide Prevention

Preventing Youth Suicide: Bringing Evidence into Practice
Pediatricians are increasingly encountering patients with suicide risk and are in need of evidence-based strategies to support patients with suicide risk. To help meet this need, AFSP and the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) have joined forces to save lives and support pediatric health providers.

Teen Suicide Prevention: Helping Our Kids Help Their Friends
As a mom of two teen daughters, and a seasoned clinician, I worry that mental health concerns among youth are a growing trend... The Blueprint aims to support pediatric health clinicians in identifying strategies and partnerships to support children and teens at risk for suicide.

Creating a Safety Net to Prevent Youth Suicide
Suicide and suicidal behavior – among young adults, teens, and in recent years, younger children – are a major public health crisis. During the past two years, concerns about the impact of the pandemic on youth mental health have added to pre-pandemic levels of concern.