Stories about Campus Walk

Suicide Prevention and Hula Hooping: Making a Difference in My Local LGBTQ Community
As a way of getting myself out of my funk – and inspired by AFSP’s amazing volunteers – I decided to get more involved with my local chapter. I am a proud member of the LGBTQ community, and have a strong interest in expanding access to mental health and suicide prevention resources for others in the LGBTQ community.

American Youth Raise Awareness for Suicide Prevention Through Virtual Events
These events help inform our youth about mental health and suicide prevention, and create opportunities for connection. Research shows that staying connected is one action that helps safeguard our mental health and that reduces suicide risk.

Taking a Virtual Campus Walk for Suicide Prevention
Infinitely grateful for a second chance at life following my suicide attempt, I decided to put my efforts into the cause of suicide prevention, knowing it could save lives in the same way it saved mine.

Taking a First Step Toward Understanding
Victoria Gonzalez is a proud advocate for mental health and founded the first Out of the Darkness Campus Walk at Pace University in 2017.

Top Ten Tips for Organizing an Awesome Out of the Darkness Campus Walk at Your School
Here are some strategies other students can use to make their own Campus Walks more successful than they ever thought possible!

Bringing Education to Arkansas
This year, Mary worked tirelessly to spread suicide prevention education programming to the entire state.

Bringing Suicide Prevention to a School for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing
Gallaudet is committed to continuing the work of promoting mental health and suicide prevention on our campus, and we’re so glad to partner with AFSP – and the Interactive Screening program – to help us do it.

Spotlight Interview: A Conversation with Anne Deubel
I’ve decided this is going to be my future in some way.

A New Look for AFSP’s Out of the Darkness Walks!
We hope you like our new look, and that it inspires you to keep walking with us toward a world without suicide!