Stories about Depression

How Being Indian Shapes My Conversations About Mental Health
Being raised by immigrant parents shaped the conversations around mental health that we had as a family. I’m an Asian-Indian woman and mental health is not talked about openly in my culture. Mental health, as a concept overall, is generally seen as taboo.

Fighting Loneliness Through Connection
2017 was a tough year for me. My heart had been broken. I was plagued by a medical issue throughout a good portion of the year. The new job I thought was going to be lucrative wasn’t.

Respect and Love Are Lifesaving
When we extend respect to people and love them, it truly is lifesaving. I know this because it has been people’s respect and love that has saved my life more times than I can count. Most of the people who had a positive impact on my life didn’t know the impact they had on me in those moments.

I Want to Grow Up: Seeing a Future After Attempting Suicide in Grade-School
For as long as I can remember, I’ve struggled with anxiety. My earliest memory of it was in the first grade. I talked in class, trying to make a friend – unfortunately, I did it while the teacher was speaking. She got angry, and made me walk to the front of the class. I felt like I couldn’t breathe.

Dancing Our Way to Mental Health: Presenting the “It’s Real” Program for Teens
A lot of the dance families and I will often help each other out by car-pooling, which is where I interact with other dancers from the studio. I enjoy being able to help, and to hopefully be a trusted and safe adult to teens from our dance studio.

Depression Hell: White-Knuckling Mental Illness After a Suicide Attempt
I then went into what I call Depression Hell. I was inconsolable for months. I decided to head to Nashville to make a name for myself – and when I got frustrated with that, I became more and more depressed. It was at this point that I began to experience suicidal thoughts.

What We Can All Do About Maternal Suicide
When Robin learned she was pregnant, she and her partner were ecstatic. They chatted about names, discussed colors for the baby’s room, and planned maternity photos.

Why I Draw Comics About My Depression
Around the same time I was feeling suicidal, I started drawing my thoughts and feelings, and posting them on Instagram as a comic series about living with depression. I wanted to show some of the (sometimes darker) humor and absurdity in feeling sad or anxious all the time, and named my series “Just Peachy Comics.”

Research Video Spotlight: Treating Depression Early
Gil Zalsman, M.D., MHA, of Tel Aviv University in Israel, discusses the importance of treating depression early through medication, therapy, or a combination of treatments – especially when the risk for suicide is present in a person’s genetics.

A #RealConvo Video: Comedian Gary Gulman on the Importance of Reaching Out
Comedian Gary Gulman talks about the importance of having a #RealConvo, and reaching out for help when you need it.

Learning What Can Help
This post is presented in collaboration with Active Minds, the national organization dedicated to empowering students to speak openly about mental health.

Depression Tried to Take My Mom. She and My Dad Fought Back.
I am a clinical psychologist, and I had interviewed hundreds of people with depression. I knew. Dad knew. Mom did not.

I Am Still Here
If you’re like me, you have experienced a moment: a point in time in which you felt you could go no further, that no version of your future could be worthwhile. Perhaps you’ve had many of these moments. Living with the daily struggle of a mental health condition, this sort of moment can feel like a lifetime.

Finding Purpose in Light of This Week's News
We are saddened by today’s news of the tragic loss of CNN reporter Anthony Bourdain to suicide.

Depression, Surviving Suicide Loss, and LGBTQ-Affirmative Care
Teresa Theophano is a New York City-based social worker and freelance writer who is on the board of directors of Trinity Place Shelter for LGBTQ homeless youth.

Millennials And Mental Health
I’m thankful Millennials are helping to break that stigma barrier a little further.

My Experience Going to the Emergency Room
While inpatient hospitalization can be scary, it’s also life-saving. I have been in this type of treatment several times after going to the ER and being evaluated. Each time has been different, but each time I learned something valuable.