Stories about Doreen Marshall, Ph.D.

The New Look of Survivor Day
We hope you will join us, either at a local event or online, on November 23, 2019.

Six Mindfulness Tips
Mindfulness helps us to slow down and really experience life.

Managing Grief During a Pandemic
Grief can be messy. If you are experiencing grief right now, here are some things you might remind yourself.

Cómo manejar el duelo durante una pandemia
El duelo puede ser confuso. Si está experimentando un duelo en este momento, he aquí algunos aspectos que son dignos de recordar.

Quarantine is a Mood
We all have many feelings swirling around during this time of quarantine.

La cuarentena es un estado de ánimo
Todos tenemos muchos sentimientos dando vueltas durante este tiempo de cuarentena.

Video Tips on How to Have a #RealConvo About Mental Health
For Mental Health Awareness Month, we’ve been encouraging people to have a #RealConvo about mental health.

Making Connections, Sharing Hope: The 31st Annual Healing After Suicide Loss Conference
AFSP staff, including members of AFSP’s Loss and Healing Programs team, will be present at the conference.

The 30th Annual Healing After Suicide Loss Conference
This year marks the 30th Healing After Suicide conference, co- sponsored by the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention, the American Association of Suicidology, and Tragedy Assistance Program for Survivors (TAPS).