Stories about Firearms Suicide Prevention

AFSP Launches Toolkit for Firearms Instructors Aimed at Suicide Prevention
AFSP calls firearms instructors to join lifesaving efforts through firearms education and safety.

Time and Distance: The Key to Firearm Suicide Prevention
When someone dies by suicide, the circumstances are complex. But something that every firearm-owning household can do is to implement a strategy for increasing the time it takes to access a firearm.

Research Video Spotlight: Limiting Access to Lethal Means
Matthew Miller, M.D., MPH, of Harvard University, examines what it means to limit access to lethal means, such as firearms, for a person at-risk for suicide.

Working Toward a Common Goal: Preventing Firearm Suicides in Veterans
United States Veterans are 1.5 times more likely to die by suicide than Americans who never served in the military.

Conference on Advances in Safe Storage of Firearms and Preventive Strategies for Veterans at Risk for Suicide
Suicide is a national health concern that affects all Americans, Veterans and non-Veterans alike.

Delivering Suicide Prevention to the Firearms Community in Nebraska
The American Foundation for Suicide Prevention has set a bold goal to reduce the nation’s annual suicide rate 20 percent by the year 2025.

Research Video Spotlight: Firearms and Suicide
Our Research Video page features short, easy-to-understand clips from some of the world’s leading suicide prevention researchers.

Project 2025: Firearms & Suicide Prevention
To date, efforts to reduce suicide by gun have largely failed – with 23,000 lives lost each year – we must try a new approach.