Stories about Parent Loss

What I Never Got to Say: Writing (and Rewriting) My Mother’s Eulogy
As an exercise in processing my grief, I decided to write my mother a eulogy. I imagine what I would want to say to both her and others present. While these words won’t be read at a gravestone or in a church, I’ve spent hours composing them, uncovering old memories and buried feelings in the process.

Looking to the Sky: Processing My Father's Suicide, in My Own Time
Father’s Day has always been my least favorite holiday. I’m pretty good at burying the feelings of being left behind by my dad on the other 364 days of the year, but on this day, it’s unavoidable. This past Father's Day, though, I reached an important new milestone: I was finally able to start processing his death.

Telling My Children About My Own Childhood Suicide Loss: Their Grandfather
My father died by suicide when I was eight years old. Sharing with people how my father died is something that once seemed impossible for me to do, but has now become healing for me, as well as for my family.

As a Queer Person and Suicide Loss Survivor, I've Learned There's Strength in Vulnerability
I lost my mom to suicide when I was 14. Later, when I first got to college, I started to openly embrace my bisexuality. To an outside observer, these two experiences may not seem connected. But for me, the journey of coming to terms with losing my mom to suicide and of navigating my sexuality are closely linked.

How to Lose (On Death and Dying)
In the new book The Invisible Ache: Black Men Identifying Their Pain and Reclaiming Their Power by Courtney B. Vance and Dr. Robin L. Smith, famed actor Courtney B. Vance shares his heartfelt, personal journey in the wake of his father’s death by suicide.