Stories about Project 2025

Improving the Healthcare System as a Project 2025 Champion
To me, #MentalHealth4All means that everyone has access to support and that we normalize making the time and space to ask our friends and family how their mental health is doing.

Veteran Suicide and Project 2025: Reflecting and Finding Purpose on Memorial Day
The practice of honoring our fallen in the United States has been officially instituted since the Civil War, although before it was called Memorial Day, it was known as Decoration Day. It was scheduled for the end of May because the flowers would be in bloom across the nation.

AFSP Spotlight Interview: Renee Cruz, AFSP’s New Vice President of Project 2025
My role with Project 2025 is more than just a job to me, because it has aligned my purpose and meaning beyond simply tending to tasks that need doing to overcome a challenge: it is about meaningfulness. It’s about the WHY, not just about the WHAT.

The American Foundation for Suicide Prevention Announces Two Key Hires to Support Mission
The American Foundation for Suicide Prevention, the nation’s largest suicide prevention organization, today announced two key hires. Laurel Stine, J.D., M.A. joins the organization as Senior Vice President of Public Policy and Renee Cruz, MPH has been named Vice President of Project 2025.

Bringing Suicide Prevention to Clinical Practice
It became apparent to me, as I adapted my new knowledge of suicide prevention to my experience in healthcare, that there were procedures and best practices that could be implemented within healthcare systems to reduce suffering and the rate of suicide, which is currently the tenth leading cause of death in the U.S.

National Suicide Prevention Award Given for Lifesaving Work in Emergency Departments
To recognize leaders in suicide prevention, the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (AFSP) and the American College of Emergency Physicians (ACEP) will honor the developers of Emergency Psychiatric Intervention (EPI), a new toolkit of best practices for patients with psychiatric emergencies.

Research Video Spotlight: Limiting Access to Lethal Means
Matthew Miller, M.D., MPH, of Harvard University, examines what it means to limit access to lethal means, such as firearms, for a person at-risk for suicide.

Research Video Spotlight: Engaging the Healthcare Community
To see more, visit our Research Video page, which features short, easy-to-understand clips from some of the world’s leading suicide prevention researchers, filmed during the 2017 International Summit on Suicide Research, co-sponsored by AFSP and the International Academy of Suicide Research.

More Than Referrals: The Role of Primary Care in Suicide Prevention
About a third of individuals who die by suicide visit a primary care provider in the month before their death.

Working Toward a Common Goal: Preventing Firearm Suicides in Veterans
United States Veterans are 1.5 times more likely to die by suicide than Americans who never served in the military.

Preventing Suicide in Correctional Facilities Through Project 2025
AFSP is targeting the corrections system as one of four key areas of focus as part of Project 2025.

Why Wait to Make a Difference?
To learn more about our exciting work and read other Volunteer Spotlight Stories, see our 2019 Annual Report.

Conference on Advances in Safe Storage of Firearms and Preventive Strategies for Veterans at Risk for Suicide
Suicide is a national health concern that affects all Americans, Veterans and non-Veterans alike.

Delivering Suicide Prevention to the Firearms Community in Nebraska
The American Foundation for Suicide Prevention has set a bold goal to reduce the nation’s annual suicide rate 20 percent by the year 2025.

Leading Suicide Prevention Organization and Correctional Health Care Experts Release Suicide Prevention Resource Guide
Leading Suicide Prevention Organization and Correctional Health Care Experts Release Suicide Prevention Resource Guide

Research Video Spotlight: Firearms and Suicide
Our Research Video page features short, easy-to-understand clips from some of the world’s leading suicide prevention researchers.

My Way of Healing: Supporting Others in AFSP’s Out of the Darkness Overnight Walks
"I realized then, that each person there had a story to tell and we were all committed to the same cause."

I Care Too: Preventing Suicide with the Help of Emergency Physicians
Emergency departments present a setting, and an opportunity, to save lives, and are one of the critical areas of AFSP’s Project 2025.

The American Foundation for Suicide Prevention Launches Phase II of Project 2025
Project 2025 Supports the Bold Goal to Reduce the Annual Suicide Rate 20 Percent by 2025

American Foundation for Suicide Prevention Awards $5.3M for 26 Suicide Prevention Research Grants
Overall, AFSP has invested a total of $5.3M this funding cycle through 26 international research grants.

National Suicide Prevention Organization Invests in Colorado-National Collaborative to Find Path to Reduce Suicide Rate
To help stem this tragic loss of life, the Colorado-National Collaborative has set the goal of reducing the state suicide rate 20 percent by the year 2024.

2018 Illinois Suicide Prevention Summit to Focus on AFSP’s Project 2025
The Summit will be held at the Loyola Health Services Campus Center for Translational Research and Education - 2160 S. 1st Avenue, Maywood, IL.

Training Tennessee Highway Patrol Officers in Suicide Prevention
Tennessee is a rural state, and law enforcement is often the first contact someone in a suicidal crisis has for getting help.

DoD and VA Partner with the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention to Focus on Reducing Suicide
AFSP is proud to announce two new partner in the fight to prevent suicide – DoD and VA

Project 2025: Firearms & Suicide Prevention
To date, efforts to reduce suicide by gun have largely failed – with 23,000 lives lost each year – we must try a new approach.

Suicide Rate is Up 1.2 Percent According to Most Recent CDC Data (Year 2016)
On December 21, 2017, the CDC released the most recent data related to suicide for the year 2016.

Leading Suicide Prevention Efforts Unite to Address Rising National Suicide Rate
National public-private partners join efforts to reduce the annual suicide rate 20 percent by 2025 – saving tens of thousands of lives in the U.S.

Nation’s Largest Suicide Prevention Organization Releases Three Investment Opportunities That Will Reduce Suicide Rate 20 Percent
From the model built for Project 2025, AFSP shares examples of how many lives could be saved at a national level if we scaled up and made strategic investments, and applied the collective resources necessary to support these prevention areas over the next 10 years.

Nation’s Largest Suicide Prevention Organization Launches Suicide Prevention and Firearm Pilot Program
The pilot program, involving community-based AFSP chapters in four states, is the first time a national suicide organization has collaborated with gun retailers, range owners and the firearm-owning community about suicide prevention and firearms.

American Foundation for Suicide Prevention and the National Shooting Sports Foundation Partner to Help Prevent Suicide
A new partnership between the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention and the National Shooting Sports Foundation will allow for both organizations to embark on a national plan to implement public education resources for the firearms-owning community about suicide prevention and firearms.

Nation’s Largest Suicide Prevention Organization Awards Over $4.35 Million in Research Grants
The American Foundation for Suicide Prevention, the nation’s largest suicide prevention organization has awarded more than $4.3 million to researchers from around the world to study suicide prevention.

The American Foundation for Suicide Prevention Launches Project 2025
The American Foundation for Suicide Prevention, the largest suicide prevention organization in the United States, has launched Project 2025 to lead a plan of action aimed at the organization’s bold goal of reducing the annual suicide rate 20 percent by 2025.