Stories about Self-Care

Giving Yourself the Gift of Self-care for the Holidays
While you are making your holiday gift lists this year, here are a few tips on how you can give yourself the gift of self-care this holiday season.

Choosing Self-Care During Election Season
Election season signifies a time of transition and change which can be both exciting and stressful. When you approach election season — whether it’s by actively campaigning or hiding in the woods! — practicing self-care is essential for maintaining your mental health and well-being.

Self-Care Goals for the New Year: Compassion, Respect, Patience, and Persistence
I’m not typically one for New Year’s resolutions. I’m more of a goal-setter. At the start of each year, I set a few goals that I use as a guide. Since I work in the mental health field, I’ve decided that this year, 2023, my goals will be set for self-care.

When Uncertainty is Our New Normal: Managing Feelings of Helplessness Over the Course of Continuing Challenges
Recent times have required more from all of us in order to support our mental health. Feelings of helplessness can have a negative impact on our mental health. But that doesn’t mean there aren’t things we can do to care for our own mental wellbeing

Managing COVID 19 – and Our Mental Health – in 2022
Advice about managing your mental health during the pandemic

A Look Ahead to the Coming Year: An Interview with the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention’s Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Christine Yu Moutier
The American Foundation for Suicide Prevention’s Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Christine Yu Moutier, answers pressing questions about the intersection of the current state of pandemic and suicide prevention.

Returning to Office Life: Six Tips for Protecting Your Mental Health
For many of us who work in offices, the pandemic changed our work lives dramatically. No two people have experienced the pandemic in exactly the same way, and accordingly, no two people are experiencing the transition back to the office in the same way.

Men’s Mental Health Month: Six Mental Health Tips for the Dudes in Your Life
Traditionally, we men are awful at talking about our overall emotional well-being, and feelings in general. We’re “good,” we generally reply when asked. We’re “fine.” Even though, according to the latest available numbers, men die by suicide 3.63 times more often than women. 70% of all suicides are men.

Taking Care of Yourself This Holiday Season
Whatever your holiday season brings, we hope these tips help you navigate it in whatever way you need to stay healthy and well. This holiday season, traditions may look different, but you can still stay connected.

Flying Without Visibility: Coping When You Can’t See the Path Ahead
The days are starting to ebb towards winter, with less sunlight, and for some, a feeling of uncertainty as the end of the year approaches. Many of us are headed into a holiday season that will look different than in years’ past, and not in ways we had anticipated or hoped. We may be sad, frustrated or scared by this.

Six Mindfulness Tips
Mindfulness helps us to slow down and really experience life.

Why I Draw Comics About My Depression
Around the same time I was feeling suicidal, I started drawing my thoughts and feelings, and posting them on Instagram as a comic series about living with depression. I wanted to show some of the (sometimes darker) humor and absurdity in feeling sad or anxious all the time, and named my series “Just Peachy Comics.”

Quarantine is a Mood
We all have many feelings swirling around during this time of quarantine.

La cuarentena es un estado de ánimo
Todos tenemos muchos sentimientos dando vueltas durante este tiempo de cuarentena.

CEO Update from Bob Gebbia
It’s more important than ever, right now, to stay connected to family, friends, co-workers, classmates and others through phone calls and online.

Novedades del CEO, por Bob Gebbia
Ahora más que nunca es importante mantenerse conectado con familiares, amigos, compañeros de trabajo, compañeros de clase y otros a través de llamadas telefónicas y en línea.

Supporting your Mental Health While Navigating Change
Change when things are uncertain is hard. Change that we didn’t choose is harder. Change that has a potential impact on our mental wellness may be the most challenging of all.

Cómo preservar su salud mental en épocas de cambio
Cambiar cuando las cosas son inciertas es difícil. El cambio que no elegimos es el más difícil. El cambio que tiene un posible impacto en nuestro bienestar mental puede ser el más desafiante de todos.

Taking Care of Your Mental Health in the Face of Uncertainty
If you are struggling, here are some things you can do to take care of your mental health in the face of uncertainty.

Cómo cuidar su salud mental frente a la incertidumbre
Si tiene dificultades, he aquí algunas sugerencias para cuidar su salud mental ante la incertidumbre.

Volunteer Spotlight: Camila Pulgar, on the Family of Loved Ones with Lived Experience
To get involved, find your local chapter and check out the volunteer opportunities at the array of programs and events offered year-round!

Talkin’ Baseball
I’ve realized that for me, my mental health is tied to making connections with others.

4 Ways We Can Use Social Media to Promote Positive Mental Health
This post is presented in collaboration with Active Minds, the national organization dedicated to empowering students to speak openly about mental health.

How Do We Heal When Time is Not Enough?
"Time creates the opportunity for healing, but time alone does not heal emotional wounds any more than it might heal physical ones."

Managing Wellness During Exam Season
There is no question that college students glamorize all-nighters as a sign of “dedication to school” and “what separates an A versus a B student”. However, this strain could jeopardize your wellbeing and happiness.

Recipes for self-care
Self-care is an inoculation against selfishness: if I don’t take time to care for myself, that time will be lost anyway later in being snappy or edgy. I invest in self-care because it is kinder to the people I love who live with me.

10 Self-Care Ideas for the Weekend
One of the most important lessons I learned in therapy was that there’s a difference between your physical self and your soul self.