Stories about Thanksgiving

We Asked, You Answered: What Do You Feel Thankful for, Even in Difficult Times?
With Thanksgiving just around the corner, we wanted to know what you feel thankful for, even when you're having a tough time. Here are some of the responses we received on social media.

Thanksgiving When You Don’t Feel Thankful: Reclaiming Tradition After a Suicide Loss
We each confront grief in distinctive ways, and we should: for we are not all alike. If we listen sympathetically to our own thoughts, we may well find the way that we, as individuals, will make it through these difficult, different days.

Rethinking Thanksgiving: Five Tips for Finding Joy and Hope in the Midst of Change
Thanksgiving is coming. Chances are, it’s going to feel different this year, and maybe in some ways you’re not looking forward to. But don’t worry. We can do this!