Stories about US - Texas

Bringing Suicide Research to Students in Texas
Upon learning about AFSP’s Research Connection program, in which suicide prevention researchers come to speak about their studies to general, lay audiences in one’s local community, it seemed fitting for me to host an event, and help to highlight the importance of suicide prevention research here at home.

Advocates to Be the Voice for Suicide Prevention and Mental Health in Austin
Suicide is the tenth leading cause of death in the United States and the eleventh leading cause of death in Texas.

Overnight Recap -- Dallas 2018
AFSP extends its heartfelt thanks to all those who walked, and to each volunteer, crew member, and donor who participated in the 2018 Dallas, Texas Overnight.

Thousands To Walk From Dusk Until Dawn To Fight Suicide In Dallas and Philadelphia
American Foundation for Suicide Prevention’s Out of the Darkness Overnight Walk - Cities Chosen