Stories about LGBTQ Community

As a Queer Person and Suicide Loss Survivor, I've Learned There's Strength in Vulnerability
I lost my mom to suicide when I was 14. Later, when I first got to college, I started to openly embrace my bisexuality. To an outside observer, these two experiences may not seem connected. But for me, the journey of coming to terms with losing my mom to suicide and of navigating my sexuality are closely linked.

Growing up Transgender in the South: Legislative Attacks, Suicide Prevention, and Advocating for a Path Forward
As a transgender woman who was able to begin receiving gender-affirming care in my youth while living in rural Arkansas, I deeply understand the stakes that the anti-trans legislation that has been proposed across the country, particularly in the South, holds for young transgender people.

Finding Hope Through Religion: Together, We Can Stop Suicide in the Queer Community
As a queer Christian, I see how much pain and suffering my queer siblings face, and the statistics around suicide in the LGBTQ community are heartbreaking. Through organizations such as AFSP and The Trevor Project, I have learned so much about suicide prevention in the LGBTQ community.

Recent Legislation Targeting the Rights of Trans Individuals Deepens Concerns Around the Mental Health of LGBTQ Communities: Leading suicide prevention organization strongly opposes bills that can harm the mental health and wellbeing of LGBTQ people
Leading suicide prevention organization strongly opposes bills that can harm the mental health and wellbeing of LGBTQ people

Navigating Out of the Darkness
I think a big misconception is that those with lived experience are selfish or weak. We are neither. Mental health can be like a labyrinth, and it takes a lot to navigate out of the darkness.

AFSP Community Conversation: What Advice Would You Give to Someone Struggling with their Identity?
In honor of Pride month, the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention asked our Instagram followers what advice they would give to someone struggling with their identity.

AFSP Community Conversation: What Does Pride Month Mean to You?
The American Foundation for Suicide Prevention asked our Instagram followers to share what Pride month means to them.

Respect and Love Are Lifesaving
When we extend respect to people and love them, it truly is lifesaving. I know this because it has been people’s respect and love that has saved my life more times than I can count. Most of the people who had a positive impact on my life didn’t know the impact they had on me in those moments.

Joint Statement by The American Foundation for Suicide Prevention and The Trevor Project
AFSP has enlisted its volunteer-led chapters in several states, including Florida, Tennessee, Idaho and South Carolina, to support LGBTQ communities and make opposition to these harmful bills a priority for their meetings with state and local public officials.

Suicide or Transition: Making the Most Difficult Choice of My Life
I grew up in Scotland and spent my first 49 years living there. I knew internally I was female since the age of 14, but when I looked in the mirror – and when others looked at me – a male person was who we all saw.

Being Who I Needed When I Was Younger
There is no community or school district that doesn’t have people needing to hear the specific message that it is okay to be who they are, and have that be backed up by a willingness to connect them to truly affirming services that meet their needs for mental health care, medical care, housing, advocacy, and more.

Suicide Prevention and Hula Hooping: Making a Difference in My Local LGBTQ Community
As a way of getting myself out of my funk – and inspired by AFSP’s amazing volunteers – I decided to get more involved with my local chapter. I am a proud member of the LGBTQ community, and have a strong interest in expanding access to mental health and suicide prevention resources for others in the LGBTQ community.

Providing Care and Support for the LGBTQ Community Following a Suicide Death
How a suicide loss in the LGBTQ community is handled can set the tone for the public’s response. You might hear, “They died by suicide because they were transgender.” Too often, explanations about a suicide death are reduced to a person’s sexual orientation and/or gender identity. However, suicide is far more complex.

Joint Statement by The Trevor Project and the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention
The American Foundation for Suicide Prevention and The Trevor Project today released this statement encouraging legislators and others with decision-making power to support and protect trans youth and improve access to best-practice medical care for trans patients and their families, including mental health care.

What We Know About LGBTQ Youth Mental Health and Suicide Prevention
We are pleased to share this guest blog, courtesy of our friends at The Trevor Project, the world’s largest suicide prevention and crisis intervention organization for LGBTQ youth.

Feeling Pride in Managing My Anxiety: Mental Health and the LGBTQ Community
Getting unconditional love and understanding, and having access to healthcare, therapy, medication and support systems is not always a guarantee for those in the LGBTQ community.

Thriving with Pride: Three Ways to Support LGBTQ+ Youth and Protect Against Suicidal Behavior
Happy Pride! The month of June was chosen as LGBTQ+ Pride to commemorate the uprising against police raids at the Stonewall Inn in New York City in 1969.

Joy, Hope and Gratitude
The American Foundation for Suicide Prevention is a proud leader in the Mental Health for US coalition.

Risk and Protective Factors for Suicide Among Adolescents: A Look at Gender Identity and Sexual Orientation
Do risk and protective factors for suicide differ among adolescents depending on their gender identity and sexual orientation?

New Research-Based Poster Series Launched to Build Healthy Futures for LGBTQ & Gender Diverse Children & Youth
Family Acceptance Project Poster Series Guides Families & Caregivers on Reducing Risk for Suicide, Drug Use and Other Serious Health Risks & Promoting Well-Being for LGBTQ Youth

Supporting the Unique Mental Health Needs of LGBTQ Youth: Words of Guidance from The Trevor Project
Our findings indicate that there is currently a crucial need to ensure that these youth are supported in ways that allow them to thrive.

AFSP Spotlight Interview: Amit Paley, CEO and Executive Director, The Trevor Project
The Trevor Project is the world’s largest suicide prevention and crisis intervention organization for LGBTQ (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, and Questioning) young people.

How Sharing My Mental Health Story is Like Coming Out
This post is presented in collaboration with Active Minds, the national organization dedicated to empowering students to speak openly about mental health.

Conference in Alabama Spotlights Suicide Prevention for the LGBTQ+ Community
On May 5th, attendees of the Stronger Communities: LGBTQ+ Suicide Prevention Conference in Birmingham, Alabama came from across the state to take part in the day-long program hosted by the Alabama chapter of the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention.

Depression, Surviving Suicide Loss, and LGBTQ-Affirmative Care
Teresa Theophano is a New York City-based social worker and freelance writer who is on the board of directors of Trinity Place Shelter for LGBTQ homeless youth.

AFSP Stronger Communities Conference Convenes Leading Experts to Discuss Community-based Suicide Prevention Education in NH
Presentations and topics will focus on initiatives and research-based programs that address suicide prevention across a person’s lifespan and within specific high-risk groups.

Bringing LGBTQ+ Suicide Prevention to Little Rock
To address this need, the Arkansas chapter of the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention decided to host Stronger Communities: LBGTQ+ Suicide Prevention, a full-day conference to teach local mental health providers how to address suicide risk in the LGBTQ+ community.

Making Suicide Prevention a Priority in the LGBTQ+ Community
This past April, AFSP’s Eastern Missouri Chapter hosted Stronger Communities: LGBTQ+ Suicide Prevention.

What We Know Now: Updating Best Practices for Talking About Suicide & LGBT Populations
“What We Know Now: Updating Best Practices for Talking About Suicide & LGBT Populations”

The Fifth Time is the Charm: Coming Out as a Two-Time Suicide Attempt Survivor
Coming Out as a Two-Time Suicide Attempt Survivor

Sharing my Personal Experience with Suicide at the White House
I am grateful to those who were brave enough to start the conversation, and it is through their bravery that I have learned to find my own.