Stories about #RealConvo

"These conversations are not easy, but are so necessary": The Impact of Suicide On Indigenous Peoples
In this recent video, AFSP Lifesaver Ambassador and Diné scholar charlie amáyá scott, Ph.D., calls attention to the impact of depression and suicide on Indigenous Peoples — and the power of having open, honest, and vulnerable conversations about mental health.

American Foundation for Suicide Prevention Deepens Awareness of #TalkAwayTheDark and Launches New Guide to Have Difficult Conversations During Mental Health Awareness Month
This Mental Health Awareness Month, the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (AFSP) is empowering people to have brave conversations about mental health, and to lean in and ask directly about suicide if struggles are not improving.

If Anyone Asks, This Was an Accident: Why We Have to Talk Openly About Suicide
If we are going to cut down on the alarming number of suicides, we need to let our friends and families talk about their suicidal thoughts without making them feel ashamed. We have to figure out a way to have these painful conversations, regardless of how frightened or hurt we may be to hear them.

Lessons from Suicide Research: One Man’s Road to Recovery
Much of what we’ve learned from the scientific research into suicide can be examined through the lens of individual experience. In this video, you’ll learn some of the fundamental lessons science has revealed about this leading cause of death.

Teen Suicide Prevention: Helping Our Kids Help Their Friends
As a mom of two teen daughters, and a seasoned clinician, I worry that mental health concerns among youth are a growing trend... The Blueprint aims to support pediatric health clinicians in identifying strategies and partnerships to support children and teens at risk for suicide.

I Know You Think This Will Never Get Better
"I know you think this will never get better; it will only get worse. But I need to tell you something and I'm speaking from experience."

How AFSP Saved My Life Twice
I didn’t realize, then, how important that word would become to me: I was a survivor.

Research Video Spotlight: Don’t Be Afraid to Ask
Lisa Horowitz, M.D., MPH, from the National Institute of Mental Health, shares the finding that asking someone directly about suicide actually reduces the risk of an attempt.

Being the Boice – That’s Voice with an Accent – for the Voiceless
Have you ever felt discriminated against? Has anyone ever told you that you can’t do something because of who you are? Do you remember what and how you felt? Do you remember what you did?

How Will I Explain My Experience with Depression to My Son?
The following is an abridged version of an article comedian Chris Gethard wrote following the premiere of his acclaimed HBO special Career Suicide. The original article can be found here.

My Lived Experience
Melanie Figaro

American Foundation for Suicide Prevention Reveals New Data on Mental Health in the Coronavirus Era
In recognition of May as Mental Health Awareness Month, the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (AFSP) shared new survey findings that reveal people experience anxiety (53%) and sadness (51%) more often now than before the coronavirus pandemic.

Quarantine is a Mood
We all have many feelings swirling around during this time of quarantine.

La cuarentena es un estado de ánimo
Todos tenemos muchos sentimientos dando vueltas durante este tiempo de cuarentena.

We Asked, You Answered: Staying Connected Through Social Distancing
We asked our followers on Facebook to share their best practices for remaining connected to friends, family and loved ones while practicing social distancing.

Running with Our Hearts
Grandma’s Marathon is a race that takes place along Lake Superior’s beautiful North Shore in Duluth, Minnesota each June.

Celebrating Our Chapters: The 15th Annual Chapter Leadership Conference in Pictures
Check out all the happenings at this year’s CLC by following the hashtag #AFSP20 on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram!

Finding Your Moon
If you are in your own forest of uncertainty right now, I urge you to look up. Find your moon, or take a moon perspective. Do not give up.

Our Cause. Their Cleats.
We at the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention would like to thank these players for showing their support for this important cause.

A #RealConvo Video: Comedian Gary Gulman on the Importance of Reaching Out
Comedian Gary Gulman talks about the importance of having a #RealConvo, and reaching out for help when you need it.

The Chalkboard Challenge
That’s why we do this – to bring some kind of hope to those who struggle.

Being There for Other Suicide Loss Survivors
These were my goals. But I couldn’t help asking myself: “How can I help others when I couldn’t help the person who mattered most to me?”

Without Judgment: Helping Others Heal from a Suicide Loss
There is help available for those who are suffering and for those who have lost a loved one to suicide. It’s okay not to be okay.

#RealConvo Illustration Spotlight: Laura Jones
Follow AFSP on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, so you don’t miss all the exciting things happening during National Suicide Prevention Week!

#RealConvo Illustration Spotlight: Mary Purdie
Follow AFSP on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, so you don’t miss all the exciting things happening during National Suicide Prevention Week!

#RealConvo Illustration Spotlight: Jordan Sondler
Follow AFSP on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, so you don’t miss all the exciting things happening during National Suicide Prevention Week!

Talkin’ Baseball
I’ve realized that for me, my mental health is tied to making connections with others.

Root and Rise
We can change lives, open minds and heal hearts by sharing our stories.

“In My Feels”: An AFSP Spotlight Interview with Liz Beecroft
We all have mental health, just as we all have physical health. We are all, always, in our feels – and that’s a great place to be.

Between Matches
More than anything, I want my children to know that I love and support them.

6 Healthy Ways to Reduce Stress During Final Exams
Keep your body and mind balanced and ready to tackle those exams with these 6 healthy ways to reduce stress during final exams.

Someone Who Understands
"I know that asking someone for help – which might seem like a small thing – is incredibly brave"

Video Tips on How to Have a #RealConvo About Mental Health
For Mental Health Awareness Month, we’ve been encouraging people to have a #RealConvo about mental health.

A #RealConvo with Teen Vogue, SELF and Instagram
Check us out on social media @afspnational for more amazing content throughout May — and all year round!

How to Talk to a Suicide Loss Survivor: A #RealConvo Guide from AFSP
Below are ten helpful tips to help you navigate conversations with suicide loss survivors in a kind, thoughtful, and responsible way.

If Someone Tells You They’re Thinking About Suicide: A #RealConvo Guide from AFSP
How should you respond? What can you do to connect them to help?

What Are Your Favorite #RealConvo Tips?
Check us out on social media @afspnational for more amazing content throughout May — and all year round!

Reaching Out for Help: A #RealConvo Guide from AFSP
Here is some straightforward guidance for having a conversation that can make all the difference.

American Foundation for Suicide Prevention and Instagram Launch Mental Health Campaign #RealConvo
In honor of Mental Health Awareness Month, AFSP is launching a public awareness campaign with Instagram called #RealConvo

How to Start (and Continue!) a Conversation About Mental Health: A #RealConvo Guide from AFSP
Here are some quick pointers you can use for having a #RealConvo with the people in your life.

Mostly, I Just Miss Him
If sharing my own is helpful to just one person who hears it, I feel it is worth doing.

How to Talk to Your Professors About Your Mental Health
Here are some tips that I’ve found to be helpful when approaching professors for this kind of conversation.

There Is A Light
What helped was talking to other people about my pain. This was what saved my life.

Siendo La Voz (“Boice” en Ingles Con Mi Acento Hispano) De Los Que No Se Escuchan
¿Alguna vez te has sentido discriminado? ¿Alguna vez alguien te ha dicho que no puedes hacer algo por ser quién eres? ¿Recuerdas qué fue y cómo te sentiste? ¿Recuerdas lo que hiciste? Me han discriminado por muchas razones, dos de las cuales son bastante obvias: soy hispana y soy mujer.

Around the Table
The responsibility lies with all of us to pay attention to who used to be around the table, and who isn’t any longer.

What We Mean When We Say #StopSuicide
By working together, gaining increased understanding, and encouraging the widespread application of proven strategies, we can save lives.

The Conversation I’ve Dreaded
"The conversation I had dreaded the most, ended up being the most beautiful moment with my precious son yet."

Ask Dr. Jill Facebook July Livestream With The Mighty
Last month, we partnered with The Mighty for an "Ask Dr. Jill" livestream centered around how to have a #RealConvo about mental health.

It’s Okay Not to Be Okay
It is okay not to be okay. No one is perfect. We all have something we’re dealing with. The more we share, the easier it is to heal and live a healthy life.

Celebrities and Families Honored for their Suicide Prevention Efforts at 30th Annual Gala Event in New York
The 30th Annual Lifesavers Gala was held on May 16 in New York City at Jazz at Lincoln Center’s Appel Room.

You Can Have a #RealConvo with Me
This May, we are launching a social media campaign encouraging people to talk about mental health.

Finding Strength, Help, and Hope by Having a #RealConvo
As difficult as it was to go through all of this, the hardest part was admitting I needed help. Reaching out for help was one of the scariest things I’ve ever had to do, but I knew it had to be done.

How I Wish People Would Talk to Me Following My Father's Suicide
Rather than asking me how my father died or why he "chose" to do it, I wish people would ask me how my father lived. Ask me his name. Ask me what kind of person he was.

Suicide: A Cry For Life
And as we speak more openly and honestly, we open the possibility that the cry for life suicide represents might be heard in time.

Running for My Son
Lori Tanner, a volunteer from Wyoming, took part in Team AFSP’s L.A. Marathon event in 2017, raising funds and awareness while finding meaning in the loss of her son.

How To Encourage Someone To See A Therapist
Here are some steps you can take to tell your loved one about the benefits of seeking therapy.

I’m Your Canvas: Four Tips on How to Have a #RealConvo with a Friend
Hopefully these tips can empower you to have a #RealConvo, and be a helpful canvas to the people in your life.

How to Tell People You've Lost a Loved One to Suicide
She knew my mom had died. I just hadn’t told her how, yet.

Are You Okay? (Dr. Matthew Wintersteen)
As a parent, knowing what to do if you notice your child or one of their friends is exhibiting one of the warning signs of suicide can seem daunting. Luckily, the right thing to say is actually pretty simple. Dr. Matthew Wintersteen explains what to say – and how to say it – to a young person you’re concerned about.