Stories about Loss and Healing

When Healing From Grief Is Stalled
Most people who are bereaved by suicide do not experience prolonged grief. When healing is stalled and grief is unrelenting, Prolonged Grief Treatment can help a person get unstuck and healthily continue on to a pathway of integrated grief in which their loss is still with them, but so is living.

Join Growing Movement to Save Lives During National Suicide Prevention Month
This September, AFSP invites everyone to learn about suicide, how to prevent it and ways to support each other.

Making College Campuses Safer From Suicide
Suicide is one of the most common causes of death among U.S. college students. Each year, approximately 24,000 college students attempt suicide. 1,100 students do not survive their crisis, making suicide the second-leading cause of death among U.S. college students. Yet research shows that suicide is often preventable.

Redefining Strength after Losing My Uncle to Suicide
I want others to know that having difficult experiences with mental health does not mean that you are alone. I had always wanted to be a part of suicide prevention efforts, and in 2022 I walked for the first time in one of the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention’s Out Of the Darkness Community Walks.

To Make Sense of My Mother’s Suicide, I Had to Understand My Own Relationship to Mental Health
When I was 14 years old, I lost my mother, Sabrina Jones, to suicide. Up until my mom's death, I did not understand to what extent mental health could affect your everyday life, including my own.

Coping With Suicide Loss While Managing an Eating Disorder: How Losing One Friend Helped Me Show up for Another
One month before I flew cross country to enter residential treatment for an eating disorder in May 2013, my friend and college varsity tennis teammate Paige died by suicide. This suicide loss, and my eating disorder recovery journey, fundamentally changed my values and who I was as a person.

We Need to Do This for Dad
This year I will have lived my life longer without Tom than with him. But he is with me every time I tell his story, train a suicide prevention class, visit with a suicide loss survivor, and attend an Out of the Darkness walk.

Vulnerable in My Truth: Making a Difference for Suicide Prevention in Honor of My Father
I found my way to AFSP the year after my father died by suicide, and have participated in the organization’s Out of the Darkness Walks every year in his honor. It is important for me to keep his legacy alive and increase awareness of the warning signs of suicide.

Finding Hope and Healing on the Links: Golfing to Support Suicide Prevention
Nearly 14 years ago, my family’s life changed forever. On October 1 of 2009, my brother Sean died by suicide. He was 24 years old at the time, and I was only 21. In the weeks, months, and years that followed, each of us processed and worked through that horrible loss in our own ways.

AFSP Sponsoring the American Association of Suicidology’s Healing After Suicide Loss Summit
The American Foundation for Suicide Prevention is honored to be a sponsor for the 56th annual American Association of Suicidology Conference, including the Healing After Suicide Loss Summit.

To Turn a Personal Tragedy Into Triumph: Coping and Growth in the Aftermath of Suicide Loss
Every year, about 50 million people become part of a group known as suicide loss survivors. There is so much that needs to be done – and so much that can be done – to connect these loss survivors with support and understanding as they navigate the journey of coping with tragic loss.

Survivor Day Live and Día de Esperanza (Day of Hope) 2022
Supplementing local events for International Survivors of Suicide Loss Day in 2022, AFSP featured two national, online events. These special presentations have been recorded, and are available to watch now.

10 maneras de apoyar a un ser querido que ha perdido a alguien por suicidio
Le recomendamos 10 formas de apoyar a un ser querido que ha perdido a alguien por suicidio.

Sufriendo una pérdida por suicidio: Ocho cosas que sé con certeza
Si estás leyendo esto, puede que seas alguien que ha tenido que prepararse para los cambios repentinos e inesperados que se han producido en tu vida a raíz del suicidio de un ser querido. Es posible que no sepas por dónde empezar si estás experimentando todas las emociones relacionadas con el duelo por suicidio.

Does Everything Really Happen for a Reason?
While I still struggle with the concept of whether everything happens for a reason, my own experiences have led me to this conclusion: that while we cannot ever fully control the negative experiences that happen in our lives, we can use them to shape our lives and paths for the better.

Zak Williams Reflects on the Loss of His Father, Robin Williams
Zak Williams Reflects on the Loss of His Father, Robin Williams, and His Role in AFSP's Long-term Loss Summit

The Biggest Case of My Life
An attorney shares his story of healing and finding hope through advocacy after his father died by suicide.

Finding Peace After a Suicide: One Walker's Healing Journey in Nature
An ode to the out of darkness community walks and the joy of finding peace and healing in nature after loss.

The Long-Term Journey of Healing from Suicide Loss
I joined the “survivor of suicide loss club” on November 10, 1988. I was a junior at the University of Maryland and my family lived in Cleveland. I got the phone call that would forever change my life. My brother, Brian, had taken his life at 23 years old.

Threads of Hope
I felt my own emotions and grief validated for the first time since that cold July day when my life had seemingly unraveled.

You Are Worth It
International Survivors of Suicide Loss Day 2019 is Saturday, November 23.

The Mental Hug I Needed
Winter can be a difficult time for bereaved families, particularly those who’ve lost someone to suicide.

Providing Care and Support for the LGBTQ Community Following a Suicide Death
How a suicide loss in the LGBTQ community is handled can set the tone for the public’s response. You might hear, “They died by suicide because they were transgender.” Too often, explanations about a suicide death are reduced to a person’s sexual orientation and/or gender identity. However, suicide is far more complex.

What To Do If Your Family Won’t Talk About Your Suicide Loss
Everyone grieves differently. It is not unusual for people within the same family to have different coping styles after a suicide death.

Honoring My Mother by Working Toward a World Without Suicide
My mother Helen is the reason why I fight to raise awareness of mental health and suicide prevention. Helen was an amazing mentor and confidant to me. I felt I could tell her anything.

“I’m Still Healing.”
To learn more about our exciting work and read other Volunteer Spotlight Stories, see our 2019 Annual Report.

Managing Grief During a Pandemic
Grief can be messy. If you are experiencing grief right now, here are some things you might remind yourself.

Cómo manejar el duelo durante una pandemia
El duelo puede ser confuso. Si está experimentando un duelo en este momento, he aquí algunos aspectos que son dignos de recordar.

Running with Our Hearts
Grandma’s Marathon is a race that takes place along Lake Superior’s beautiful North Shore in Duluth, Minnesota each June.

Helping Others in Honor of a Loved One
To learn more about our exciting work and read other Volunteer Spotlight Stories, see our 2019 Annual Report.

The Front of the Line
Over the years, I've really learned about myself by helping others.

I’m Going to Save One Kid, Because I Lost Mine
Through hope, we can all come together to create communities and cultures that are smart about mental health.

A Letter to Brad, Twenty Years Later
I want them to see that mental health conditions can be managed in the same way physical health conditions can be managed, with help.

Scoring a Home Run with Youth Baseball and Suicide Prevention
As in life, we all make mistakes. It’s how we learn and improve that’s important.

Being There for Other Suicide Loss Survivors
These were my goals. But I couldn’t help asking myself: “How can I help others when I couldn’t help the person who mattered most to me?”

Without Judgment: Helping Others Heal from a Suicide Loss
There is help available for those who are suffering and for those who have lost a loved one to suicide. It’s okay not to be okay.

How I Survived the Suicide of My Son: 15 Tips for Grieving Parents
For 20 years, I have been healing from the loss of my son to suicide. I learned to survive one day at a time.

Handling special occasions
Special occasions, such as holidays, birthdays, and anniversaries can be difficult for many individuals, including those who have been impacted by suicide. Here are some tips for those who are having difficulty with these days.

Climbing to Conquer Suicide
46Climbs is not just and event; it is a community making a difference in raising awareness and preventing suicide.

Climbing a Mountain for Trent
Trent, like many college students, buried his inner battles. He was climbing a mountain that to him felt insurmountable. To the outside world, he was the posterchild of early collegiate success. To us, he is sorely missed.

How Mental Illness Awareness Week Changed My Life
One gesture and my day was ruined. One phrase and I would shut down. Images would flash to the forefront of my mind. I would stop talking. I would stay silent.

My Second Chance
I embrace all of me, and all that I've been through, and use it as a force for good. It is in giving that we receive. My spirit is joyful. My soul is energized, and my mind is at peace.

How I Wish People Would Talk to Me Following My Father's Suicide
Rather than asking me how my father died or why he "chose" to do it, I wish people would ask me how my father lived. Ask me his name. Ask me what kind of person he was.

The 30th Annual Healing After Suicide Loss Conference
This year marks the 30th Healing After Suicide conference, co- sponsored by the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention, the American Association of Suicidology, and Tragedy Assistance Program for Survivors (TAPS).

The Grandfather Clock
The pain of losing my mother will never be gone. All I can do now is try to channel that pain.

Returning to School After a Suicide Loss: For Teens
Returning to school after losing someone to suicide can be stressful for teens. Their peers will frequently ask a lot of questions about who died and how they died. It is recommended that teens have an idea, in advance, about how they might want to answer these questions.

Returning to School After a Suicide Loss: For Younger Children
One of the primary things parents and caregivers can do is to open a dialogue with children about returning to school. This gives the child an opportunity to express how they’re feeling and any concerns they have.

10 Ways to Support a Loved One Who Has Lost Someone to Suicide
Here are 10 ways we recommend to support a loved one who has lost someone to suicide.